ODME Brannstrom CleanTrack 1000B


Hotline: 0913 917 925

Vietnam English

ODME Brannstrom CleanTrack 1000B

  • 40
  • Liên hệ
Type CleanTrack 1000 B
Application Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System for Oil Tankers in
accordance with MEPC.108(49) as amended by Resolution MEPC.240(65),
approved for Crude oils and Petroleum products as well as for 10 types of
Bio-fuel blends in accordance with MEPC.1/Circ.761 as revised.
0 - 1000 ppm
Sample Flow rate
According to MEPC.108(49)
240 liters/hour to 900 liters/hour depending on sample pump model.
Clean water connection (optional):
Flow rate Intermittently 200 to 600 liters/hour depending on sample pump model and
water pressure.
Clean water is only used at Discharge Start and Stop.
Approximately 6-20 liters per Start/Stop (when applicable).
max. 5 bar

min. 0.5 bar higher than the pressure in the overboard line at the sample
outlet connected point.

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Hotline 0913 917 925